BRG - residual gas ionization profile monitor:
Integration LSS4 left
IPMV51734, problems and cures, J. Koopman.
Sensitivity Studies with the SPS Rest Gas Profile Monitor /
Ferioli, G;
Fischer, C;
Koopman, J;
Sillanoli, M
Design and Tests of a New Rest Gas Ionisation Profile Monitor Installed in the
SPS as a Prototype for the LHC /
Fischer, C;
Koopman, J;
Krämer, D;
Perret, R;
Sillanoli, M
Ionisation profile monitor tests in the SPS
/ Fischer, C;
Koopman, J
Design, Simulation and Testing of a 2D Electron Source Based Calibrating System
for a Proton Beam Ionisation Profile Monitor /Refsum,
Dehning, B.