AB - BDI - BLBeam Loss detectors, wire scanners and gaseous detectors for the PS complex, SPS and LHC.
LHC equipment related links: Valuable information from the CEIWG (Control Electronic Integration Working Group) (Updated 26/05/2004) Lay-outs: Plans d'implantations des ouvrages souterrains (par P. Orlandi, mis à jour régulièrement) LHC database navigator, you need to install WHIP! to visualize drawings LHC layout documentation can be found in:
Insertion Region WG Minutes USA15 Lay-out (updated on 03/08/2004) SX4 Rack lay-out (updated on 04/06/2004) and pictures (updated 26/04/2004) UA43 Lay-out change for racks BY08-11 (updated 08/11/2004) LSS4:
Engineering change order – Class I LHC Layout version 6.4
Racks and cables: A summary of the AB/BDI rack and power needs in the LHC underground areas (by J. Koopman, *.xls, updated on 11/06/2003) Tableau récapitulatif des demandes de racks (par J.-C. Guillaume, mis à jour le 27/03/2003) Demande d'Instrallation de Cables (*.xls, par J.-C. Guillaume, mis à jour le 11/3/2002) Documents relatifs au DIC: Resumé du fonctionnement de la "Demande Installation Cables" (*.doc par J.-C. Guillaume, rev. septembre 1994) |
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