Beam Loss detectors, wire scanners and gaseous detectors for the PS complex, SPS and LHC.


Cable information concerning budget code number 96547 :

Estimation of cost of cables and connectors (updated 13-06-2003)

DICs (updated 11-06-2003) :

Project name: Description: Project leader: Project B. code:
BPx Transverse diagnostics Alan Burns 96533
BCTDC Beam Current Transformer Patrick Odier 96532
BCTFR Beam Current Transformer David Belohrad 96531
BTV + BTVM Luminescent screens Gianfranco Ferioli 96648
BWS Wire Scanners Jan Koopman 96535
BGI Gas Ionization profile monitors Claude Fischer 96536
BSRL + HSI Longitudinal Synchrotron Radiation profile monitors + High Speed Imaging detectors Steve Hutchins 96538
BRA Luminosity monitors Enrico Bravin 96538
BSRT Transverse Synchrotron Radiation profile monitors Roland Jung 96537
Number of hits: Hit Counter
Updated on 20/06/2003.
Send your comments and suggestions concerning this page to Jan Koopman.