Beam Loss detectors, wire scanners and gaseous detectors for the PS complex, SPS and LHC.


Beam instrumentation in the SPS:

BCO - PMT acquisition system

BL - beam loss monitors

BIPM - residual gas ionization profile monitor

BMO - profile matching monitor

BPL - luminescence profile monitor (N2+)

BPS - scintillation profile monitor (Ar)

BSR  - synchrotron radiation profile monitor

BTV - luminescent screen monitors

BWS - flying wire scanner

INOUT - DC motor control for SEM detectors

SEM - secondary emission monitors

Servo Spill

STEP - stepper motor control


    BI host installation in the SPS

    TDS2XXX Software interface for Tektronix scopes

    Usefull programs:

        Nodal Tree program: (ux)<53>SPS

        Reboot hosts: /user/cmdrop/reboot/rc hostname -s

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Updated on 20/06/2003.
Send your comments and suggestions concerning this page to Jan Koopman.